NAYA Welcomes MACG as Friends

 In an act of generosity and solidarity, the Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good (MACG) recently paid a visit to the Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA), leaving a lasting impact on the community. The visit encompassed a donation of art supplies as an engaging follow up to "Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization."

On Thursday, April 20, 2023, MACG presented NAYA with a generous in-kind gift of art supplies, benefiting the students of the Many Nations Academy (MNA). Recognizing the power of art to heal and empower, MACG's contribution will enable MNA students to explore self-expression, culture, and personal growth.

Expressing gratitude on behalf of the NAYA community, Lisa Otero, Principal of the Many Nations Academy, shared her perspective on the impact of education: "Education at Many Nations Academy has a ripple effect. It doesn't just improve each student's individual life. The ripples go out into their families. They go out into their community. The ripples then reach out into Portland as a whole."

In addition to the art supplies, MACG toured MNA and the NAYA campus. This event showcased MACG's authentic interest in understanding Native American history and their commitment to supporting NAYA's work and mission. The event served as a platform to foster meaningful connections and build upon the growing relationship between MACG and NAYA.

To commemorate this partnership and celebrate the impact of the NAYA community, NAYA has announced a virtual celebration and online auction to take place during the week of May 15-19. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate remotely and witness the positive influence of NAYA's programs and initiatives. Moreover, NAYA invites everyone to join in person at the MNA Student Showcase and Kloshe Tum'-tum Hour on Thursday, May 18, 2023, to experience the incredible talent and achievements of the MNA students.

We heard from Latesha Hopkins, MACG's Lead Organizer as she expressed MACG's gratitude for NAYA's wonderful gesture of hosting MACG and preparing an amazing dinner for all enjoy and commune together. Latesha offered gifts and many thanks to NAYA and Paul Lumley NAYA's Executive Director. We also heard lovely expressions from Karen St Claire, a MACG member as well as, represents NAYA as a member of the Board of Directors. Without her hard work, and dedication to help open our eyes to view the world through a Native lens this night would not have been possible. Lastly, we heard from Paul Lumley as he expressed his gratitude for the many faces that showed up in solidarity together as well as MACG's generous donation to the MNA.   

NAYA extended its heartfelt gratitude to MACG for including them in their journey of discovery and actively supporting Native American youth. This collaborative effort symbolizes the strength of community engagement and highlights the importance of partnerships in promoting education, culture, and personal growth.

For more information about NAYA and their upcoming events, please visit NAYA's website.

About Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA): The Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA) is a Portland-based organization dedicated to enhancing the diverse strengths of Native youth and families through cultural identity, education, community engagement, and youth development. NAYA's programs and services empower Native American individuals and families to thrive, fostering positive change and greater self-sufficiency.

About Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good (MACG): The Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good (MACG) is a community organizing coalition that brings together religious, labor, and community organizations to build collective power and create positive change. MACG strives to address systemic issues and work towards social justice, equity, and a better quality of life for all community members.